EU Cookie Law

Specific Objectives

Specific Objectives

1. Elaboration of two long-term national strategies for the water sector, embedding the climate objectives into the policies for the water sector in Bulgaria and addressing the transition towards a climate neutral and resilient society.

2. Improvement of the capacity of the administrations of the beneficiaries MOEW and MRDPW to:

  • analyse and plan long-term policies and specific measures in the water sector, while addressing the policies and objectives in the field of climate change
  • plan the mobilization of investments for application of the water policies, while taking into account all climate change matters

3. Building the capacity of WSS operators in the country for integration of the matters relating to climate neutrality and climate change adaptation in their development Plans by:

  • elaborating pilot action plans for climate change mitigation and adaptation for two WSS operators and implementing demonstration small-scale investment measures from the elaborated plans;
  • elaborating methodological guidelines for elaboration of action plans for climate change mitigation and adaptation;
  • developing and delivering trainings of a least 130 employees of the WSS operators in the country.

4. Strengthening the inter-institutional coordination in the elaboration of strategic documents and integration of climate issues into the sectoral policies

5. Raising awareness and creating a well-informed civil society as a partner, opponent and corrective of the administration with regard to the national policies for transition of the water sector towards carbon neutrality and climate change adaptation.